
Dear friends,

Newsflash!  Encouraged by family and friends, I am about to embark on a new endeavor: my first book. It is already on the drawing board and hopefully will be published before the first quarter of 2021.  The concept is a compilation of some of my favorite blog posts which hopefully, also touched you in some way as the all-important readers. No, surprise, the book will be called TarteTatinTales, just like the blog. Rest assured, for those of you who like to eat as much as I do, a generous selection of family recipes will also be featured.

As you might imagine, it will take some time to sort through almost three years of stories and recipes to pick out the best. Once the selection is made, I will then need to do some heavy editing to correct some of the mistakes made the first go-around. Given I am both the writer and the editor of the blog—a dangerous proposition, at best—certain things may have been inadvertently missed. A few raised eyebrows?  A few chuckles, no doubt?  I do hope these errors as a fledgling blogger were forgiven.

Now, however, I need to give 100% of my creative energy to the book.  So, new posts will be few and far between until the bulk of the book is delivered to the publisher. In the meantime, if there are any “Main Course” stories which were particularly compelling to you which should be considered for the book, please drop me a line at Your opinion is invaluable to me.

In the meantime, let’s all remember to VOTE on or before November 3rd. (Only once, please!) This year, it is more critical than ever before. The future of our children and our democracy depend on it.

