Lobster Risotto


4 Tablespoons olive oil

¾ cup finely diced leeks (white part only)

½ cup finely diced shallots

½ cup finely diced fennel or celery

1 large clove garlic, finely diced

2 cups Arborio rice

½ cup dry white or rosé wine

8 cups homemade fish stock (see recipe below), kept simmering on a back burner

Meat from two cooked lobsters, cut into ½-inch pieces

¾ cup frozen peas

1 Tablespoon sweet butter

2 teaspoons lemon zest

Salt and pepper to taste

2 Tablespoons finely diced chives or baby chervil sprigs  

Cooking directions:

1.       Pour 3 Tablespoons olive oil into a large skillet.

2.       Sauté leeks, shallots, and fennel for three minutes over a medium flame until translucent but not browned.

3.       Stir in garlic and continue to cook for another minute.

4.       Add 1 Tablespoon olive oil to pan along with rice.

5.       Sauté rice for three minutes, stirring frequently, until translucent.

6.       Add wine and stir until it is completely absorbed.

7.       Start adding fish broth, one ladle at a time, making sure to stir constantly until the broth is absorbed before adding more. Continue to add broth.  This will take about 18 minutes before the rice is tender but still firm to the bite.

8.       Add lobster meat and peas, and heat for three minutes.

9.       Turn off the heat and add one final ladle of broth, lemon zest, and sweet butter. Stir thoroughly. (Should you run short of broth, just use water.)

10.   Adjust seasoning.

11.   Add half of the chopped chives or chervil and mix in well. (Reserve the balance for garnishing. )

12.   Serve risotto in warmed bowls topped with a garnish of chives or chervil.  

Fish broth


1-pound shellfish shells (lobster, shrimp, or crab)

3-4 quarts water

1/2 cup dry white wine

½ cup chopped onion

½ cup chopped celery

1 diced tomato

1 bouquet garni (thyme, parsley, and bay leaf wrapped together with a string)

3 white pepper corns

Cooking instructions:

Preheat oven to 400⁰F

1.       Arrange shells on a baking pan in a single layer. Bake for 20 minutes.

2.       Transfer shells to a heavy stockpot where you have added all the other ingredients.

3.       Bring to a slow simmer and cook for 45 minutes.

4.       Skim off any foam or scum which rises to the top.

5.       Strain broth through a fine-sieve and discard any shells or solids.

6.       Either use broth immediately, seal tightly and refrigerate for up to five days, or freeze for up to six months.

Risotto serves-4-6 servings

Recommended wines: Gavi, Grüner Veltliner, Graves, Chablis, Sauvignon Blanc, or Muscadet.

