Fresh Pea Gazpacho

As soon as fresh peas appear in the farmers market, I come alive.  After the long, dreary winter months of root vegetables and squash, anything green makes me happy.  One of my favorite dishes to make in the spring with fresh peas is a riff on a Spanish gazpacho served chilled. The gazpacho’s emerald green color, made even more special with fresh crab, is a dish fit for a king.



2 pounds fresh spring peas (3 cups frozen peas work beautifully too!)

1 leek, sliced thinly, white part only

6 Tablespoons Extra-virgin olive oil, divided. 

3 ½ cups homemade pea broth. (You can save this step and use vegetable broth or ice water.)

1 ½ cups chopped, peeled English cucumber (or regular cucumber peeled with seeds removed)

1 cup French bread cut into cubes

1 ½ Tablespoons sherry vinegar (or lemon juice)

1 teaspoon fresh tarragon, finely chopped

1 Tablespoon fresh mint, finely chopped

½ teaspoon sea salt

¼ teaspoon black pepper, freshly ground


For Garnish:

¾ cup fresh crab meat

6 branches of mint, ideally with a flowering tip


Cooking instructions:

1.      Carefully wash the peas. Shuck and reserve the peas and their shells. Take the pea shells and cook in one quart of water over medium heat for 30 minutes. Drain and use liquid as your vegetable broth.  Discard solids.

2.      Cook the peas in lightly salted water for 3-4 minutes.  Drain and set aside until cool.

3.      Keep 1/3 cup of peas for garnish at the end.

4.      Sauté leek slices, in 2 Tablespoon olive oil for three minutes to caramelize. Keep at a low heat to avoid burning leeks.  Add ½ cup water and finish cooking an additional 2-3 minutes until liquid has evaporated.

5.      Put remaining peas, broth, cucumbers, bread cubes, 2 Tablespoons olive oil, vinegar and sautéed leeks, tarragon and mint in a blender or Cuisinart.

6.      Process until smooth.

7.      Add salt and pepper to taste.

8.      Divide soup evenly among six bowls.

9.      Garnish with flaked crab meat, a scattering of peas and a mint stalk.

10.  Drizzle with remaining 2 Tablespoons olive oil. 

Serves: 6 at room temperature or slightly chilled.

Wine Recommendations:  Rosé de Provence, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Blanc or a white Bordeaux blend.

